Does Weather Exist in Space and could it Wreak Havoc on Europa’s Space Stations?
Sports in Space
Dive into the Depths of Europa: Examining Vents and Bugs in both AR & VR
Integrating AI into our companion bot
A Phenomenal Discovery: Capturing the Flame Jelly in Motion
Introducing the GB series bot
Meet the Minos: Guardians of Europa's Ecosystem
Unveiling the Mysteries of the Flame Jelly
Powering Up: Solving Circuit Puzzles on Europa
Combating the Unknown: Stopping the Mysterious Growth on the Europa Space Base
Can you crack the Europa hieroglyph secret code?
Is this a new alien life form?
Using AI to train alien Flame Jelly Fish to swim towards a target light
Testing the underwater ROV on Earth, before Europa
Witness an alien life form family - the minos
Minos behaviors - Procedural animation, real-time in Unity with behavior controller
Sports in Space - Testing Gravity Room interactions
Co-Design of a VR Game with the Neurodiverse: Year 2
Co-Designing a VR STEM Mystery Game w/ Neurodiverse Learners
Meet the Minos family at Europa Vents